見りゃ、分るだろ!! 猫だよ、猫!!


Self-made novel "Key" was translated into English in one's own style.


「I'm sorry it seems to be a little late. Work has entered suddenly. Other traders flew, slept the manuscript, and [uchini] [**] came. 」

She was doing work related to publication, and there was a pressing business like now about five times a month. It is ,in a word, an overtime work. I hear that it is not in odd either but there is coming home in the morning, too, when it is slow.


"Which place is delayed. "


The taxi had stopped so before I asked it. The charge meter is 970 yen. It kept talking about carrying by the left hand with the had her, it managed to take out the thousand yen bill of the purse from among the bag by the right hand, and it passed it to the driver. Such a thing doesn't do, and after it cuts off, pay a fare to her once if the usual. However, it is an important day for me today. I wanted to finish both at a time at the time of talking with the other party.

 ふと、自分が昔書いたブログを読み返すと、なぜこんな記事を書いていたんだろう? なんて思う。大体ブログの最大活用法って書きながら、実際に書いた記事はたったの四つ(うちひとつは削除)しかない。これではブログを活用しているとは言えない様な、そんな気がする。



 ちなみに私が参加しているサイトはネット上の記録となっていて参加しているページは焼まんだてまけせとなっています。皆さん応援宜しく!! それにしてもこのブログ懐かしいな・・・



Well, and ..referring.. [-] and [da]A rough woods makes up the road following the hut, and the snow of hitting is prevented sidewise, and a little plaza that extends in front of the hut seems to give the relief. Have not 30 another centimeters accumulated no problem this snow however?The vicinity is considerably dark in it. Being possible to reach it at last at this time was lucky.


「Aging [shinware]. Are there no one in the hut?」


「Ah smoke has not risen from the exhaust vent where the roof is seen a little below where the footprint doesn't remain on the snow. The light doesn't leak from the pane at the entrance to it. It is light [suhazuda] if there is someone as for the light. You may think that there are no one. 」


Birthday present that can be bought only on net
The birthday present of the person who looks for by the search engine presented to an intimate person seems to use the net function of the personal computer, and to be abundant.

Not found either however easily might be true, and it looks for difficult) interesting goods and the receiving aim item to obtain, and, then, it introduces it on a page here ..securable only on the net.. ..(...

How about land in the moon in the birthday present?It might already be knowing, and American's Dennis hope has sold land in the moon.

It is possible to talk about a dream each other however that much with the landing patent though it can be called the world of a story and previous SF to live in the moon realistically for the present.

It presents "Land in Venus" of * Japan unsale to ten limitation people now. - Land in the moon can be bought from 2700 yen.

The birthday present to the child is hero's picture book.

Mind …… caring feeling …… picture book that values the friend and the thing easily talks about necessary feelings to the mind of the child and the grandchild who grows up as man. In the process of growing up as a person, it is an important thing that raises the emotion and the mind as man.

Therefore, the voice from the adult furthermore ..the word and the picture.. is necessary. It can be said that the picture book is an item where these all are included. In addition, if it is a commodity here,

it is possible to change it into the name etc. of the child who presents the name etc. of the hero who appears in the picture book. Please visit Create [a] Bookstore in detail.

みなさまお元気でしょうか? 普通にやってもネットで稼げるの管理人です。先日、私が開設しているブログの読者が一人ですが増えました。nmaruさんと言う方なのですが、その方のブログを読むと、最近オートサーフなるものが流行り始めたとか。








 ところがnmaruさんのブログから『ブログランキング』に進み『主婦よしたんのオートサーフでお小遣い稼ぎ 』のブログを読むと、どうやら違う様子。既にご存知の方は多いでしょうが、ホームページを一定の時間眺めると、いくらかの報酬がもらえるという収入源があります。それを利用した方法のようです。

 ちなみにオートサーフを行なった場合の収入ですが『12dailypro 』でオートサーフを行なうと、投資した資金が12日で144%になって戻ってきます。これを月に単純換算すると、投資した金額の2.5倍になる計算です。


 但しこの話は投資ですので、原価割れ、あるいは原価の保証はないそうです。詳しくはnmaruさんのブログと、そのブログから『ブログランキング』のバナーを伝って『主婦よしたんのオートサーフでお小遣い稼ぎ 』のブログで確認してください。私も昨日知った情報ですから詳しくは知りません。

みなさまお元気でしょうか? 普通にやってもネットで稼げるの管理人です。久しぶりに自分のブログを更新したり、他人のブログを訪問したりしていたのですが、相変わらずブログに対する熱意は高いようですね。




